Meet 凯特·罗塞尔,19岁

图像 of Hamline 校友 student Katie Roselle smiling in the picture using a gray suit in a classroom school in the background.

Hamline's MBA helped this alum step into leadership

Growing up in the Twin Cities, 凯特洛神葵 MBA '19 had connections to Hamline University well before she received her Master of Business Administration 在这里. In fact, her father worked with one of her future professors, Peggy Andrews, when Roselle was young.

So when Roselle felt the signs of burnout in her work as a therapist for Hazelden Betty Ford, it was a given that a career-boosting degree from Hamline would be high on her list of possible futures.

"I wanted to continue to help people and save lives but on a larger scale,罗塞尔说. "I felt like I had plateaued in my career and wanted to do something to shake things up. So I decided an MBA was the life for me." 

She researched the Twin Cities' MBA programs extensively, and Hamline stood out among its competitors.

"It was more affordable, 这是一种福利, but that was not my decision maker," she explained: She was also drawn in by the school's cohort model, 专业组, and the fact that it was full time but in the evenings, which allowed her to continue working as she studied.

From her very first class—an organizational leadership class taught by Hailey Joyce—Roselle knew her coursework would revolutionize her career.

她很善解人意, strong, 才华横溢的, 支持, and she brought the energy of a good leader into the classroom,罗塞尔说 of Joyce. "While we were learning all these important facts, 策略, and theories around leadership, she demonstrated them."

毕业后, as she turned her focus from classes back to career, Roselle felt the influence of her degree at once.

Getting this MBA absolutely revolutionized my career. I cannot say enough good things. It took me from feeling almost a little trapped to feeling absolutely limitless. The moment I completed the program and added MBA after my name, so many doors flew open for me.

凯特·罗塞尔,19岁, MBA; vice president of business development at Niznik Behavioral 健康 in Miami, FL

今天, Roselle is the vice president of business development at Niznik Behavioral 健康, a Miami-based addiction treatment center. She oversees a team of 16 people and credits her leadership successes to the lessons she learned at Hamline.

"An MBA teaches you how to ask the right questions. It doesn't equip you with all the right answers, but it teaches you how to ask the right questions,罗塞尔说. "In the business world, people who are running around slapping bandaids on symptoms aren't solving problems. I know enough to ask the right things."


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